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January Release Notes

Writer: Touchpoints BeratungTouchpoints Beratung
Release Notes is our monthly update that highlights recent product improvements we’ve made so you can easily stay up to date on what’s new

GMB Review Verification Audit

All accounts now have direct access to new functionality that triggers a consistent monthly verification of existing reviews to identify any that have been removed.

Additional Insight into Reviews

LocalTouch connects to Google, Facebook, TrustPilot, and dozens of other review platforms to collect reviews and responses. There are, however, circumstances where reviews are removed – either by the platform automatically or by the original reviewer.

We are enhancing the platform to better account for these circumstances via monthly review sync audits by verifying the status of current reviews. Any reviews that no longer exist on the destination source (starting with Google) will be marked as removed in the LocalTouch platform.

Ability to Schedule All Google Post Types

We have updated the Google Post creation process, triggered from the Manage Locations workflow, to now offer the ability to schedule all Post types.

Better Post Management

Many of our users love the simplicity of our new Post workflow, however this workflow lacked what our previous Bulk Post process had: The ability to schedule all Post types.

We’re thrilled to now offer the option for Posts to be scheduled for a one-time event or even for a recurring public cadence.

We have also added the ability to set the time zone for the publishing time, making it easier than ever to know exactly when a Post will go live.

Google Posts Link Validation

In effort to encourage our users to follow best practices for Google Posts, we have released an update to our dynamic link builder.

We have released another addition to our Post workflow to ensure that our users can easily follow best practices for Google Posts.

Validating Your Work

The dynamic URL tool creates a unique call-to-action link for each post but users needed to be very careful to structure the right base link and UTM parameters.

With this new update, users can now double check the dynamic URL creator when mass publishing Google Posts.

Clicking the Generate Preview Link will trigger a pop-up window for the web page destination of the dynamic URL using the location variables from the first location record.

We recommend checking that this is the intended landing page for the link AND that the UTM tracking parameters are populated as intended.

If the link is not a valid URL an error message will be presented.

Create and Validate Your Dynamic Links!


QOL Updates

Smaller, quality-of-life updates we hope users will appreciate.


Brand Image Reporting Update

Photos are a key driver of user engagement with Google Business Profile listings, both from the public and the brand directly. We have updated the set of available data points to provide significantly greater visibility.

Our Brand Image download file now contains significantly more data points for our users who want to dig into their images and ensure that they are following all best practices.

The updated download now contains all of the following fields:


Community Edit Notifications

Using the Search box or dropdown filter as shown below, users can either search for a specific location or view locations with a specific community edit.

It’s our hope with this update that our users become more aware of any major changes to their listings, as well as regain the ability to reject any unwanted changes to their location details.


As always, please let us know if you have questions about these enhancements or if you have a suggestion.


Since 1999, our marketing & sales experts optimize customer projects. touchpoints is a marketing consultancy founded in Winkel/Zurich

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