If you analyse the addressed deliveries of Quickmail on the basis of postcodes, interesting pictures emerge, because what you see here are the households and their affinity for mail order or online trade. What is interesting about Quickmail's data. What many people have probably thought is that most households in Switzerland come from the cities and conurbations and not from the mountain regions. This is true. But what else is striking is the higher affinity for mail order... This was already the case 20 years ago, when companies in the fashion sector such as Cyrillus or La Redoute made these customers happy with fashion from France, goods customers were interested in products from Vedia or Fotolabo. The affinity has remained.
What is also striking is that there is significantly less affinity for mail-order in the mountain areas. Of course, this only refers to the basic population of households in a postcode. Ticino has been neglected for years in the communication of the big players, which is also reflected in the figures.
By means of such an index, which goes down granularly and anonymously to the individual house, one can now address the households where the affinity is higher. In turn, you can assume that you are more likely to address shop buyers in the buildings with low affinity. We also value this data as a filter for mailings. It doesn't matter if you want to address them or use Quickmail to address them partially and thus use them more cost-effectively. The advantage of these forms of advertising is that they bypass the stop-advertiser.
Quickmail was founded as a competitor to Swiss Post and started distributing mail order catalogues and letters > 50 grams, mostly from mail order clients. The data can therefore be used as an index throughout.
Anyone who would like to improve their mailings or communications from us with this method or (after the pandemic) would also like to address new shop buyers is welcome to contact us.